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last updated 18-Aug-2020

News articles and special reports related to maritime piracy, piracy attacks, and maritime crimes in South-East Asia (the Malacca Straits, the Andaman Sea, the Celebes Sea, the Sulu Sea, the Java Sea, and the South China Sea). The Adverse Private Forces we focus on here are Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Chinese Pirates. We are also in the process of consolidating resources on piracy currently covered in different sections of



The motivation to expand and include a segment focusing on Adverse Private Forces (APFs) has it origins on a key argument put forward in the book Private Armed Forces and Global Security. The author of the book argues that a dichotomy in the private realm has emerged, whereby PMCs/PSCs legitimately work alongside state forces and multilateral actors deterring or counteracting the predatory advances of APFs. The author further suggests that the emerging and defining conflicts of the 21st century are likely to feature PMCs/PSCs (in partnership with state and multilateral forces) fighting against varied arrays of APFs. The main categories of APFs examined in the book and covered here are terrorist organizations, rebels and insurgents, pirates, mafias, and drug trafficking organizations. Thus, we hope this new segment will become a relevant resource to understand 21st century conflicts.

Fact Sheet: International Maritime Piracy. Piracy at sea is a worldwide phenomenon which has affected not only the coasts of Africa, but also Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Yemen, and Venezuela. American citizens considering travel by sea should exercise caution when near and within these coastal areas. U.S. Department of State (not dated but current): click here



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