Companies |
Expert directory of Private Military Companies (contractors, firms) focusing on capabilities (e.g. operating in conflict zones) and service sectors (e.g. military training). Companies are listed alphabetically. |
A - D | E - I | J - O | P - Z |
— New mercenaries? List of Military Units of foreign or international constitution. More >> |
Expert directory of Private Security Companies focusing on capabilities (e.g. armed security) and service sectors (e.g. K9). We also incorporate here Risk Assessment or Management firms. Companies are listed alphabetically. |
A - B | C - G | H - M | O - Z |
K9 | UXO disposal & mine clearance |
— What are Private Military / Security Companies (PMCs and PSCs) ? >> Definition |
Expert directory of corporations focusing on Aerospace, Defense, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Systems Integration, and Outsourcing. Many of the corporations listed offer private military services and broader field support, Corporations are listed alphabetically. |
A - B | C - E | F - L | M - R | S - Z |
— Looking for military/security training solutions? Please explore services by sectors and individual listings. |
Following your feedback, we are re-engineering and expanding this directory to add firms specifically focusing on cyber-security in addition to just defense and security hardware and software. More >> |
Stay safe! |
Notice board |
— In 2021, we will continue updating and expanding the Companies directories. |
— In 2021, we will brainstorm ways to re-invent the Adverse Private Forces sections in order to better capture the expanding dynamic of the field. |
— We encourage the dissemination of free-access publications and resources. >> Contribute |
— 2021: PrivateMilitary.org celebrates its 22nd anniversary ! |
— Hash-tag anything related to our Private Military universe using: |
#privatemilitary |
#privatemilitaryorg |
Recent additions |
During lockdown 2020 we updated our Companies' listings. |
New directories: In 2021, we are in the process of expanding our directories. As a preliminary step, we simplified our service areas and moved supplementary lists elsewhere. A key area we will be focusing on is cyber-security, by broadening our focus beyond the previous Military Hardware and Software (to counteract cyber-crime and cyber-warfare), |
Maritime Solutions |
From other sections: |
PMCs and PSCs specializing on maritime security, counter-piracy, armed and unarmed escorts and maritime protection, and the security of ports and strategic waterways. More >> |