What are Private Military / Security Companies (PMCs and PSCs) ? >> Definition |
Books: Hot off the press recent titles and memoirs, as well as essential reading, earlier bibliography, classics, and our Top 10 covering the evolution of PMCs/PSCs and the privatization of security. More >> |
Reading List: Academic articles, research reports, and conference papers; essentially this is an annotated bibliography of key scholarship. Private security regulation, the convergence of Security & Development, and Private Military History are among the themes we cover. To form a more balanced view, we also list Industry and regulation documents (national, international & humanitarian law), and podcasts and other media. |
PrivateMIlitary.org, since 1999 remains a private, independent, and non-profit initiative. More >> |
Private Military Ecology: Digest | @WordPress |
— Contingent diplomacy, Conditional engagement, and Over-the-horizon strikes: a triad underpinning Joe Biden’s defense and foreign policy, October 10 , 2021: @WordPress |
— The Afghan Evacuation Crisis, Intelligence or Political Failure? Likely a Mix of Both. August 29, 2021: @WordPress |
Search PrivateMilitary.org, over 300 pages to explore! |
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— In 2021, we will continue updating and expanding the Companies directories. |
— In 2021, we will brainstorm ways to re-invent the Adverse Private Forces sections in order to better capture the expanding dynamic of the field. |
— We encourage the dissemination of free-access publications and resources. >> Contribute |
— 2021: PrivateMilitary.org celebrates its 22nd anniversary ! |
News and debated issues |
Top-ten academic books: |
More book titles >> |
– Private Military and Security Companies and States: Force Divided. By Christopher Spearin, Palgrave Macmillan, August 3, 2017. |
– The Routledge Research Companion to Security Outsourcing (Routledge Handbooks). Edited by Joakim Berndtsson and Christopher Kinsey. Routledge. 2016. |
– The Markets for Force. Privatization of Security Across World Regions. Molly Dunigan and Ulrich Petersohn (eds), Penn Press, 2015. About the book | Table of contents | About the authors |
– The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order. By Sean McFate, Oxford University Press, 2015. |
– The Morality of Private War: The Challenge of Private Military and Security Companies. By James Pattison, Oxford University Press, 2014. |
– Victory for Hire: Private Security Companies' Impact on Military Effectiveness. By Molly Dunigan, Stanford Security Studies, 2011. |
– Private Armed Forces and Global Security: A Guide to the Issues. By Carlos Ortiz, Praeger, 2010. About the book I Table of contents | flyer | Kindle edition | PMCs and private security cast anew: MORE>> |
– States, Citizens and the Privatisation of Security. By Elke Krahmann, Cambridge University Press, 2010. |
– Private Security Contractors and New Wars: Risk, Law, and Ethics. By Kateri Carmola, Routledge, 2010. |
– Private Military and Security Companies. Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects. Edited by J. Thomas, and K. Gerhard. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2007. About the book | Chapter outline |
In the spotlight: |
– Attempt to evacuate [GardaWorld] Afghans who guarded British embassy fails due to explosions at airport. The Guardian, August 26, 2021: TEXT | PICTURE | VIDEO |
– UK government makes U-turn on Afghan embassy [GardaWorld] guards. The Guardian, August 20, 2021: TEXT | PICTURE |
– US contractors rush to get former employees out of Afghanistan. Defense News, August 19, 2021: TEXT | PICTURE |
– Wagner Group: Scale of Russian mercenary mission in Libya exposed. BBC News, August 11, 2021: MULTIMEDIA |
– Number of Private Contractors in Afghanistan Drops Precipitously as Biden Pushes Withdrawal Plan. U.S. News, July 21, 2021: TEXT |
– Scenarios for the Future of Peace Operations. By Jaïr van der Lijn, IPI Global Observatory, Reprinted by ReliefWeb, May 12, 2021: TEXT | PHOTO |
– The U.S. Is Leaving Afghanistan? Tell That to the Contractors. American firms capitalize on the withdrawal, moving in with hundreds of new jobs. By Lynzy Billing, Intelligencer, May 12, 2021: TEXT | PHOTO |
– Former Pentagon Generals in Afghan War Make Top Dollar Advising Military Contractor. CorpWatch,
August 24, 2021: TEXT | PICTURE |
– Departure of Private Contractors Was a Turning Point in Afghan Military’s Collapse. Foreign Policy, August 16, 2021: TEXT | PICTURE |
– (U.S.) Remarks by President Biden on the End of the War in Afghanistan. The White House, State Dining Room, August 31, 2021, 3:28 P.M. EDT: TEXT |
– (U.S.) Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United Statesas a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America. Signed in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020.: PDF |
– International Support for Afghan Workers, ISOA, August 9, 2021: TEXT |
Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies - Call for Papers: Intelligence in the Era of Donald Trump: Impact and Prospects: PDF |
We are not listing online events during the Covid-19 pandemic. |
Selected additions to APFs: |
KABUL AIRPORT ATTACK: Satellite images, graphics, and maps show how fatal airport explosion ripped through Kabul.. USA Today, August 26, 2021 (Update August 28, 2021): MULTIMEDIA | US troops and Afghans killed in suicide attacks outside Kabul airport. CNN, August 27, 2021: MULTIMEDIA | U.S. Launches Strike on ISIS-K as Bombing’s Death Toll Soars. The New York Times, August 27, 2021: TEXT | PICTURES |
Timelines: The Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan GO>> |
Afghanistan live news: BBC | The Guardian | The New York Times I Washington Post
Chaos in Kabul. Reuters, August 18, 2021: MULTIMEDIA |
GUINEA:‘The president is with us,’ Guinea’s coup leader tells FRANCE 24 - Exckusive.September 6, 2021: VIDEO | Military arrests president, dissolves government. Al Jazeera, September 6, 2021: TEXT | VIDEOS | Who is Col Mamady Doumbouya? BBC News, September 6, 2021: TEXT | PICTURES |
PARIS TERRORIST ATTACKS ( November 13, 2015): Chief suspect Salah Abdeslam defiant on first day of landmark 2015 Paris attacks trial. France 24, September 8, 2021: TEXT | VIDEO | November 2015 attacks: A timeline of the night that shook the French capital. France 24, September 8, 2021: TEXT |
SOMALIA K5 JUNCTION TRUCK BOMB ATTACK: Somalia Truck Bombing Kills Over 300. Voice of America, October 16, 2017: TEXT | PICTURES | AUDIO | Mogadishu truck bomb: 500 casualties in Somalia’s worst terrorist attack. The Guardian, October 16, 2017: TEXT | PICTURES | MAP |
Field and research infrastructure |
Featured campaigns: |
— Stand4Heroes: Take action to help our injured heroes and families -USA. |
— SaBRE (now Defence Relationship Management) Supporting Britain's Reservists and Employers -UK. |
— Not On Our Watch: Committed to robust international advocacy and humanitarian assistance. |
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