Organizations |
Directory of International Organizations of relevance for the assessment of the private provision of military and security services, as well as their global governance. More >> |
IOs | UN system |
Security Industry Associations representing the interests of PMCs, PSCs, and contractors working in security and defense-related areas, and involved in the accreditation, education, training, and vetting of its members and selected partners. More >> |
A - H | I - Z |
— What is peacekeeping? Understand it in practice: Ongoing UN peacekeeping missions >> |
International and Regional Maritime Organizations and Professional Associations focusing on maritime and port R&D, training, and accreditations, as well as sea-borne trade issues, the security of commercial and naval vessels, counter-piracy, and seafarer’s safety and welfare. More >> |
A - I | J - Z |
Non-governmental (NGOs) and Humanitarian Organizations debating the challenges and opportunities inherent in the privatization of security, defense, and peacekeeping. More >> |
A - F | G - I | J - Z |
Let's discuss private security! |
Notice board |
— Hash-tag anything related to our Private Military universe using: |
#privatemilitary |
#privatemilitaryorg |
— PrivateMilitary.org is a Wikipidedia free environment. |
— We are currently populating the Adverse Private Forces sections! |
— Very soon we will offer you access to the ISOA publications catalogue! |
— 2016: PrivateMilitary.org celebrates its 17th anniversary ! |
Recent additions |
— In 2015, we completed an update of the whole Organizations section and incorporated a few educations videos. |
— We are now also covering critical global security issues: Chemical Warfare, Child Soldiers, Climate Change, Conflict Minerals, Cyber-Crime, Cyber-Warfare, Drug Trafficking, Exploitation of the Arctic Region, Food Security, and the South China Sea Conflict, |
— Ironically, now that the study of the privatization of security is a mainstream topic, there seems to be less university departments specifically focusing on it. We want to identify new university programs focusing on PMCs and update that section of our website. |
Regional |
From other sections: |
Regional Organizations guiding the formulation of security and development policies for their member states in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, and Europe. More >> |
Europe | Africa | Asia | Americas |
Governmental |
Public agencies dealing with private military and security issues. |
Think-tanks |
Research Centers and Think-Tanks focusing on private security. |
— For a broad selection of books covering the work of IOs and NGOs in areas of private security: visit our Amazon bookshop >> |
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