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last updated 18-Aug-2020
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This is a list / directory of selected Regional Organizations (ROs) from the Americas. These ROs are regularly dealing with global security issues, including the private provision of security or military services. To give you a better idea of what each organization focuses on, when possible, we have added to each listing at least one item related to global or private security.


Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
The Convention Establishing the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) was signed on July 24, 1994, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, with the aim of promoting consultation, cooperation and concerted action among all the countries of the Caribbean, comprising 25 Member States and three Associate Members. Eight other non-independent Caribbean countries are eligible for associate membership.


Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
The Treaty of Chaguaramas which established the Caribbean Community including the Caribbean Common Market was signed by Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago on July, 4, 1973, in Chaguaramas, Trinidad and Tobago. It came into effect on 1 August 1973. The Caribbean Community and the Caribbean Common Market replaced the Caribbean Free Trade Association which ceased to exist on May 1, 1974. In addition to economic issues, the Community instrument addressed issues of foreign policy coordination and functional cooperation..


Comunidad Andina (CAN)

Los países que integran CAN son Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. La Comunidad Andina está conformada por Órganos e Instituciones que están articuladas en el Sistema Andino de Integración (SAI), y tiene el objetivo de alcanzar un desarrollo integral, más equilibrado y autónomo, mediante la integración andina, suramericana y latinoamericana.


FAO - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO RLC)
La Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO RLC) está ubicada en Santiago de Chile desde 1955. Actualmente, 33 estados de América Latina y el Caribe son miembros de la FAO y trabajan junto con la Organización para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de todos sus habitantes.
» Programas Especiales para la Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA) en Centroamérica: PowerPoint


Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR): Español | Portugués
MERCOSUR está integrado por la República Argentina, la República Federativa de Brasil, la República del Paraguay, la República Oriental del Uruguay, la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Los Estados Partes que conforman el MERCOSUR comparten una comunión de valores que encuentra expresión en sus sociedades democráticas, pluralistas, defensoras de las libertades fundamentales, de los derechos humanos, de la protección del medio ambiente y del desarrollo sustentable, así como su compromiso con la consolidación de la democracia, la seguridad jurídica, el combate a la pobreza y el desarrollo económico y social con equidad..


Organization of American States (OAS)
OAS brings together the countries of the Western Hemisphere to strengthen cooperation and advance common interests. It is the region’s premier forum for multilateral dialogue and concerted action. At the core of the OAS mission is an unequivocal commitment to democracy, as expressed in the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
» Actions Against Terrorism: The OAS and its member states have developed comprehensive policies to work together closely in order to combat the threat of terrorism in the Hemisphere, including the Inter-American Convention and Committee against Terrorism.
» Demining: The OAS maintains projects devoted to neutralizing mine fields, providing mine-risk education, and assistance to victims, as well as those aimed at stockpile destruction and passing resolutions for a landmine-free Hemisphere. .
» Multidimensional Security: Through its Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, the OAS has moved forward to strengthen cooperation on a number of security fronts and to develop regional policies and strategies to address a range of threats. In addition, the Committee on Hemispheric Security is primarily responsible for formulating and implementing the OAS’ strategies and policies regarding the security of the region..



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