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last updated 18-Aug-2020

News articles and special reports related to mafias and organized crime in Russia and selected former Russian republics, as well as their footprint in Europe and beyond. We cover mafia organizations as well as patterns of criminality such as racketeering, kidnaps, prostitution, human trafficking, assassinations and contract killings, and money laundering. The Adverse Private Forces we primarily focus here are the Russian and the Ukrainian Mafias. Overlaps with cyber crime are to be found, so please browse that section too.



The death of Moscow's Don: Aslan Usoyan, aka "Grandpa Khasan," gunned down outside his favourite restaurant. “The killing of such an influential figure cannot go without revenge from his supporters,” said Alexander Khinshtein, a Russian MP today. “This is likely to bring about a new wave of attacks and murders.” By Shaun Walker, The Independent, January 17, 2013: TEXT | PHOTO

For a Departed Mobster, Vyacheslav K. Ivankov, Wreaths and Roses but No Tears. Vyacheslav K. Ivankov died on Friday in a Moscow hospital from complications stemming from a gunshot wound he received apparently in an assassination attempt in July. He was 69. By Michael Schwirtz, New York Times, October 13, 2009: TEXT | PHOTO | VIDEO




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