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mercenaries to market book cover

From Mercenaries to Market: The Rise and Regulation of Private Military Companies

Edited by Simon Chesterman and Chia Lehnardt

Oxford University Press, September 2007, hardcover.
ISBN: 978-0199228485

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Table of Cases (xiii)
List of Contributors (xv)
(Simon Chesterman and Chia Lehnardt) Introduction (1)

I. Concerns
(Sarah Percy) Morality and regulation (11)
(Kevin A O'Brien) What should and what should not be regulated? (29)
(Anna Leander) Regulating the role of private military companies in shaping security and politics (49)

II. Challenges
(Angela McIntyre and Taya Weiss) Weak governments in search of strength: Africa's experience of mercenaries and private military companies (67)
(David Isenberg) A government in search of cover: Private military companies in Iraq (82)
(Elke Krahmann) Transitional states in search of support: Private military companies and security sector reform (94)

III. Norms
(Louise Doswald-Beck) Private military companies under international humanitarian law (115)
(Chia Lehnardt) Private military companies and state responsibility (139)
(Marina Caparini) Domestic regulation: Licensing regimes for the export of military goods and services (158)

IV. Markets
(Deborah Avant) The emerging market for private military services and the problems of regulation (181)
(James Cockayne) Make or buy? Principal-agent theory and the regulation of private military companies (196)
(Laura A Dickinson) Contract as a tool for regulating private military companies (217)
(Andrew Bearpark and Sabrina Schulz) The future of the market (239)
(Simon Chesterman and Chia Lehnardt) Conclusion: From mercenaries to market (251)

Select Bibliography (257)



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