UNODC chief says Afghan opium trade continues to grow. In addition, poppy cultivation, which has been largely concentrated in the south and west, has spread in the north, said Yury Fedotov, executive director of the U.N. By Alex Pena, Office on Drugs and Crime. Stars and Stripes, October 30, 2013: TEXT | PICTURE
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Afghanistan’s Opium Trade to Be Domestic Issue – US DEA. Afghanistan will have to decide on its own how to combat drug trafficking after the US military pulls out next year,
Michele Leonhart
the head of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said in Moscow. RIA Novosti, June 7, 2013: TEXT | PICTURE
U.S. Memo Faults Afghan Leader on Heroin Fight. The cable also faulted Britain, which has the top responsibility for counternarcotics assistance in Afghanistan, for being "substantially responsible" for the failure to eradicate more acreage. By David S. Cloud and Carlotta Gall, The New York Times, May 22, 2005: TEXT
Britain is losing the fight against 'blossoming' Afghan drugs trade. British-led efforts to fight heroin production in Afghanistan will be dealt a severe blow this week with the publication of a United Nations report that shows the country has become the biggest supplier of illicit drugs in the world. By Colin Freeman, The Telegraph, October 31, 2004: TEXT