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last updated 27-Mar-2016

News articles and special reports related to drug trafficking in the Caribbean, and drug trafficking organizations or cartels in the region. We focus on drug trafficking and related criminal activities in key transit hubs such as the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti, and Panama. As drug trafficking, linking producers in the South to consumers in North America and Europe via the Caribbean, is truly an international criminal endeavor, please also browse our other sections to identify cross-border trends.



Bahamas: Us Fears In War On Drugs. The U.S. Department of State is concerned about the growing trend of cocaine smuggling through Bahamian airports – particularly cases in which Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) staff are implicated. Tribune 242, March 6, 2013: TEXT

New Push to Curb Puerto Rico's Thriving Drug Trade. The island's appeal has grown in recent years as federal drug-enforcement efforts have targeted the border with Mexico. By Arian Campo-Flores, Wall Street Journal, March 1, 2013: TEXT | PICTURES




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